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Business Suite Section


Globally reowned for its innovative technologies, and for covering all types of real estate (residential, commercial, industrial, land, boats & moorings, businesses, etc.) for all transaction types (e.g. resales, new construction projects, long and short term rentals with bookings, equitable title sales, auctions, lease options, etc.), yet with great flexibility to configure it to each business' needs.
See for yourself why winning real estate businesses trust in Optima-CRM...


The Co-Broking extension enables a real estate marketing business to create own (inter)national networks for agencies to locally promote new construction projects and promotions, whilst maintaining the image & details of the projects. Participating (co-brokers) commercialise at their cost the projects locally in their markets benefiting from the provided marketing material, whereas upon successful sales, they get paid commissions agreed to by the Co-Broking provider. On average, costs of sale are reduced by an approximate 4% of sales values.
Find out how you can become a master Co-Broker.

AI for Real Estate

Applying Artificial Intelligence where it benefits real estate businesses reducing costs, provide better service and increase revenues: welcome to our specialised real estate AI solutions!
We apply AI both for content generation (descriptions, SEO-content...) as to interact with people via WhatsApp.
Let us show you how this can work also for you and create true human-like results: ask any question relating to our Optima-CRM solution now!

YoVendo (FSBO)

In ever-changing markets, where vendors become more self-sufficient, real estate businesses trust on our extensions putting the power in the hands of property sellers, yet controlling the marketing processes for which a new and lucrative business model emerged for the progressive real estate businesses.