
Real Estate CRM an Advanced Software Solutions.

A Family of experts and leading real estate software brands delivered as white-label solutions.
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Our Solutions

Icon Container Real Estate CRM

Real Estate CRM

Optima-CRM the award-winning Real Estate CRM at global level for its innovative character and its wide base of teal estate types and transactions.
Part of OptimaSys’ Business Suite.
Icon Container Pro Websites

Pro Websites

Advanced websites for Real Estate businesses (integrated in Optima-CRM) and other industries (custom CMS - content management system).
Part of OptimaSys’ Business Suite.
Icon Container Legal Compliance Tool

Legal Compliance Tool

European Anti-Money Laundry operational compliance solution in collaboration with CEPI (Europe’s leading Real Estate Association) and the European Commission (EU).
Visit for more information.
Icon Container AI for Real Estate

AI for Real Estate

Self-learning content combined with your own content as well as ChatGPT knowledge. Integrations in Optima-CRM and websites (Virtual Assistant through WhatsApp Business). Try it out for yourself and ask anything about our Optima-CRM solution!
"Best Real Estate CRM worldwide
of 2018" by MirrorReview.

Winning with Advanced Technologies

We deal with all kinds of advanced web technologies and specialise in innovative solutions and services for the Real Estate industry worldwide. Our Optima-CRM was awarded the Best Real Estate CRM worldwide by independent evaluator Mirror Review.

Trusted Partner Of CEPI

Digitalisation Advisor to Real Estate in Europe

Digitalisation Advisor to Real Estate in Europe

The most complete and easy-to-use CRM for Real Estate software in the market that will augment your productivity and allow you to win from your competitors. Manage every aspect of your business and be 100% in control while growing your business.

As trusted Digitalisation Sherpa (consultant) to CEPI, Europe's most influential Association for Real Estate Professionals, covering over 24 countries and 34 real estate associations within these countries,

OptimaSys provides insights in the fast evolving digital space that the real estate industry is going through. Find out for yourself why CEPI and its member-associations trust OptimaSys over any other technology company.

CEPI & OptimaSys Solidify

European Anti-Money Laundering

European Anti-Money Laundering

During the CEPI General Meeting in Paris on 1/12/2023, CEPI and OptimaSys
solidified their strategic alliance to build and provide the first
European Anti-Money Laundering (AML) tool to be used by the Real Estate
professions in its broadest context.

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Our services

How can we help you?

You can email us here or contact us via chat. If you would like to schedule a free demo, just let us know when works best for you: